
Authentic Jolada Rotti Recipe: Taste the Essence of Karnataka

Authentic Jolada Rotti Recipe

If you’re a fan of Indian cuisine, you’re likely familiar with the diverse range of delicious breads that accompany various regional dishes. One such gem hailing from the southern state of Karnataka is Jolada Rotti. Also known as Jowar Roti or Sorghum Flatbread, Jolada Rotti is a traditional and gluten-free bread made from jowar (sorghum) flour. In this blog post, we will explore the authentic recipe for Jolada Rotti and guide you through the process of creating this scrumptious staple at home.


To make approximately 8 Jolada Rottis, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 2 cups jowar (sorghum) flour
  2. Water (as needed)
  3. Salt (to taste)
  4. Ghee or oil (for greasing and cooking)


Step 1: Preparing the Dough Start by sifting the jowar flour into a wide mixing bowl. Sifting helps in removing any lumps and makes the flour airy. Add a pinch of salt to the flour and mix well.

Step 2: Kneading the Dough Gradually add water to the flour and begin kneading it with your hands. Jolada Rotti dough requires a bit more water than regular wheat flour dough. Keep adding water and kneading until you achieve a soft and pliable dough consistency. The dough should not be too sticky or dry.

Step 3: Resting the Dough Once the dough reaches the desired consistency, cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest for about 10-15 minutes. This resting period allows the dough to hydrate fully and become easier to handle during the rolling process.

Step 4: Shaping the Rottis Divide the dough into small lemon-sized balls. Take one dough ball and flatten it slightly with your hands. Dust it with some dry jowar flour to prevent sticking.

Next, place the dough ball on a clean, flat surface or a rolling board. Gently roll it out using a rolling pin into a circular shape. It is important to note that Jolada Rotti is thicker compared to other Indian breads, so keep the thickness to about 1/4th of an inch or slightly more.

Step 5: Cooking the Rottis Heat a tawa or griddle on medium heat. Once hot, carefully transfer the rolled-out Jolada Rotti onto the tawa. Cook it for about a minute or until you start to see small bubbles forming on the surface.

Flip the roti and cook the other side for another minute. Then, lift the roti with tongs or a spatula and place it directly on the flame. The roti will puff up as it cooks on the flame. Rotate it gently to ensure even cooking. Once cooked, remove it from the flame and place it on a plate.

Step 6: Applying Ghee and Serving While the roti is still hot, apply a small amount of ghee or oil on top to keep it moist. You can also stack the rotis on top of each other, separated by clean cotton or muslin cloth, to retain their softness.

Jolada Rottis are best enjoyed with traditional Karnataka-style dishes like Yennegai (stuffed eggplant curry), Hurali Saaru (horse gram curry), and Bassaru (lentil soup). They can also be relished with a dollop of ghee or a side of chutney or pickle.

Jolada Rotti is more than just a bread; it represents the rich culinary heritage of Karnataka. Its unique flavor, gluten-free nature, and versatility make it a beloved staple in Kannadiga households. While the process of making Jolada Rotti may seem simple, it requires a delicate balance of ingredients and techniques to achieve the perfect texture and taste.

The coarse texture of jowar flour gives Jolada Rotti a rustic appeal. Its earthy flavor pairs well with a variety of curries and gravies, adding a wholesome element to the meal. The roti’s thickness allows it to soak up the flavors of the accompanying dishes, creating a delightful culinary experience.

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One of the key aspects of making Jolada Rotti is the use of traditional cooking methods. Cooking the roti directly on an open flame is a practice that has been followed for generations. This technique gives the roti its signature puffiness and imparts a slight smoky flavor, enhancing its overall appeal.

Jolada Rotti holds a special place during festive occasions and cultural celebrations in Karnataka. It is often served during weddings and festivals like Ugadi and Sankranti, where it symbolizes prosperity and abundance. The process of making Jolada Rotti is often a communal affair, with family members coming together to knead the dough, roll out the rotis, and cook them on the flame. This not only strengthens familial bonds but also preserves the traditional culinary wisdom of the region.

Apart from its cultural significance, Jolada Rotti is also a healthy alternative to wheat-based breads. Jowar is a nutritious grain rich in dietary fiber, protein, and essential minerals. It is known to have numerous health benefits, including aiding digestion, managing blood sugar levels, and promoting heart health. Incorporating Jolada Rotti into your diet can be a great way to explore gluten-free options while enjoying a wholesome meal.

In conclusion, Jolada Rotti is a cherished culinary gem from Karnataka that showcases the state’s vibrant food culture. Its simple yet flavorful profile, along with its gluten-free nature, makes it a delightful choice for bread lovers and health-conscious individuals alike. By following the authentic recipe and techniques, you can recreate the essence of Karnataka’s traditional cuisine in your own kitchen and savor the true taste of Jolada Rotti. So, roll up your sleeves, gather the ingredients, and embark on a culinary journey to experience the magic of Jolada Rotti.


  • Vivek Agarwal

    Vivek Agarwal is the co founder & COO of The Wanderer India & NV Rise an internet based company. Passionate about helping people through social work, he empathizes with worldly struggles through his poetry. A passionate digital marketer who loves to plan and manage marketing strategies to build a brand’s visibility online.

    https://thewandererindia.com/ [email protected] Agarwal Vivek